

Reiki: healing for mental, emotional, and hormonal balance.

Boost your immune system, gain a deeper understanding of yourself and be free of:

  • Migraines

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Worry

  • Limiting beliefs

  • Self-sabotage

The origins of Reiki

Reiki was developed by Dr Usai Mikao, a Buddhist monk in Japan in the 1920s. This alternative to traditional medicine was a result of his intense spiritual practices to treat emotional, mental and physical ailments, which can be explained by an imbalance of the bioenergetic forces that exist in the human body. Reiki works to unblock and reinvigorate the energy balance and relieve ill health.

His success led him to founding his clinic and school in 1922. 

There are five founding principles of reiki that set out how we can continuously embody the energy or reiki in our everyday lives.

  • Just for today, do not worry

  • Just for today, do not anger

  • Just for today, be humble

  • Just for today, be honest

  • Just for today, be compassionate toward yourself and others

How Reiki works

We're more than just flesh and bones, we’re also made of energy. Reiki is about redistributing the universal life force energy within us. Stress comes into our bodies, and enters our psyche. When we don’t address it, either because we’re busy or we don’t know how, the energy becomes blocked in our bodies.

Reiki works with this energy. Our aura. Do you ever feel the hair stand-up on the back of your neck? Or you felt like somebody was close to you? That’s your aura picking up on their energy. We’re already aware of this energy, most often we don't tune in on it. Reiki practitioners can access that energy which can affect your physical body too.

For instance, Women hold a lot of energy in their womb area. They can be more prone to stomach problems like IBS and bloating. Often this is caused by stored up emotions that haven’t left the body, and they’ve found a way to manifest physically.

The Reiki is a doorway to unlocking the energy systems flowing in your body. It provides a path to acceptance,  which is the first step to learning to let go, to release.

Reiki for substance and behavioral addiction

Reiki helps us to learn to process emotions without using the means of escapism. Quite often we lean on substances to help us deal with negative experiences and feelings, but it doesn’t really help us to process them.

Reiki for addiction works very similar to hypnotherapy and can complement more traditional recovery programmes to form a more holistic path forwards. 

I work with my clients in a practical way to address the root of their addictions, exploring trauma and guiding them to recognise triggers and teach them to cut the cord to the roots of their pain. It could be unhealed trauma from a previous relationship, a workplace issue, a school bully. Until we deal with them, the energy cords from the pain are still there. That's why you still think about your past. 

Reiki can help you move on from the pain and the addictions that have helped numb it.

Reiki gives us the tools to have a deeper understanding of ourselves.


How many sessions do I need?

Reiki can be effective after just one session, although you may need more to ensure we are thorough and to ensure longevity of results. The amount needed really depends on each person and their overall aims. I like to have a pre-consultation with my clients to help us identify your needs and to ensure that we will work well together. We can take it from there.

Reiki for goal setting

Much like meditation, reiki can be used as a tool for personal development to set and manifest goals. This can be useful when we’re low in motivation, and can help a person become more focussed and accountable when setting out our intentions.


What to expect in a reiki session

The first session
During our first
interaction, we’ll explore any energy blockage. It’s a non-intrusive way of shifting your energies. You will feel differently after your first session. You’ll feel less pain, physically and emotionally, and you’ll be more alert. After the session we will discuss the blockages that came up and the potential causes.

The second session is where we delve a little deeper. In this phase, we’re going to go into a more emotional level. We’ll sit down and discuss the energy blockages from last time and do more work to get energy flowing again. During the session you may start to feel some buried feelings start to surface, and for the next couple of days after you may feel emotional. That’s part of the process. The turbulence is trying to leave the body. I am here to support you through what you’re experiencing and keep you grounded.

The third session is about closure and smoothing everything over. It’s not unusual after the second session to feel like a ball of energy, and we need to work through to cast off the last of the emotions that haven’t worked their way out yet. My reiki is combined with spiritual guidance to provide you with a safe space to discuss how you’re feeling. This allows my clients to get a better understanding of themselves and address any deep attachments to past experiences and old traumas. This enables perspective and understanding of the control we can have over their response to this pain.


Single reiki session: £60
Bundle of three sessions: £160




Spiritual coaching